Assisted LivingNews

Can Assisted Living Communities Help Seniors Avoid Frequent Trips to the Emergency Room?

Many of us face health problems at some point in our lives. Whether they are related to aging, lifestyle choices, or genetics, it’s important to take care of ourselves for optimal health. “Assisted Living Communities” (ALCs) provide residents with 24/7 access to healthcare professionals, allowing them to live healthier lifestyles without worrying about their health insurance coverage. In addition to providing daily assistance, ALCs also offer services such as transportation, housekeeping, meal preparation, laundry, medication reminders, and social activities.

Here are a few reasons why assisted living communities can help seniors avoid frequent trips to the emergency room!

Preventing Falls

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 20% of adults over 65 experience a fall every year. When an older adult falls, it can lead to serious injuries like head trauma, broken bones, and even death. Many communities offer residents safety features like handrails, grab bars, and entrance ramps. These features help keep people safe while allowing them to live independently.

Exercise & Activity

Many older Americans don’t know how much physical activity they need to maintain good health. But experts say it’s important to do at least 150 minutes of moderately intense aerobic activity every week. Muscle strengthening exercises are also critical to maintaining balance and strength. A study published in JAMA Internal Medicine found that those who participated in such activities had a lower risk of dying over five years compared to those who didn’t.

Some assisted living communities offer exercise programs that target specific needs. These might include chair yoga, walking sessions, and gentle stretches. Some facilities even provide equipment like treadmills, ellipticals, and stationary bikes.

By getting enough exercise, seniors may delay many of the diseases that require emergency room visits. For example, regular exercise reduces the risk of heart attacks, stroke, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, and some cancers. Exercise also helps people live longer and healthier lives.

Proper Nutrition

Eating a balanced diet, however — especially one that includes plenty of calcium and vitamin D, along with vitamin B12 and potassium — becomes even more critical as we age. A recent study found that eating a balanced diet can help older adults maintain cognitive function and reduce the risk of developing dementia later in life.

Assisted living facilities are often the best place for seniors to receive proper nutrition because they ensure that residents eat a balanced meal daily. This ensures that they do not fall victim to nutritional deficiencies that can cause serious health problems like osteoporosis, kidney stones, and high blood pressure.

Medication Management

Older adults may have trouble remembering when or how to take their pills, which can result in dangerous side effects. In addition, some drugs can interact with each other, causing harmful results.

That’s why many senior living communities offer medication management services. These services ensure that residents get all of their prescriptions filled correctly, so they avoid potential drug interactions. They also monitor whether residents are taking their medicines on schedule. If they aren’t, they work with residents to find solutions.

Choose the Best Community for You

The Gardens at Oasis is proud to be an independently owned and operated community with home-grown folks who care about you and getting to know you. The Gardens is a great place to retire, relax and really thrive. Give us a call today and let us show you our vibrant and caring community!

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