Assisted LivingNews

When is the Right Time to Start Looking for Assisted Living?

When is the right time to look for assisted living facilities? Is it better to wait until you need them or should you start now?
Assisted Living Facilities (ALFs) provide care services for older adults who require assistance with daily activities such as bathing, dressing, grooming, meal preparation, medication management, etc. ALF residents typically live independently at home before moving into their facility.

Here are a few signs that indicate it may be time to start looking for an assisted living facility for your loved one.

Chronic Health Problems

Chronic health problems are becoming increasingly common among older adults. For example, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about half of people over age 65 suffer from chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, arthritis, cancer, stroke, emphysema, and asthma. If your loved one needs 24-hour care, it may be time to find an assisted living facility to meet these needs.

Forgetting to Take Medicine

Everyone forgets to take their medication sometimes. However, if your loved one forgets to do this often, it could soon become a significant issue. This is because forgetting to take their medicine regularly can lead to severe health problems.

There are systems to try to remind people to take their medications, such as pillboxes, alarms, and even smartwatches, but this is definitely an indication that it’s time to consider moving into an assisted living facility.

Poor Eating Habits

Eating habits also play a role in determining when you should move your loved one into assisted living. If they have poor eating habits or refuse to eat at all, then it may be time to look into assisted living facilities. This is especially true if they’re losing weight or not gaining any weight. In addition, if they don’t eat enough food, they may experience malnutrition.

Caregiver Stress

The caregiver role is one of the most stressful jobs out there. You’re responsible for taking care of someone else 24/7, whether that person needs help getting dressed, eating, bathing, walking, or even breathing. If you don’t take good care of yourself, you won’t be able to provide quality care for your loved ones. If you find yourself struggling with caregiver stress, it may be time to consider moving your loved one to an assisted living center.

Judgment With Finances

If your loved one is uncharitably overspending or suddenly isn’t paying their bills, consider that a red flag that it’s time to take action. It may not mean they have dementia, but it does indicate that they need assistance managing their finances.

It’s important to remember that everyone has bad days when they forget things, so don’t panic if you notice some of these signs in your loved one. Instead, talk to them about what’s going on and see how they respond. If they seem confused or disoriented, it might be time to look at finding assisted living facilities near you.

Decreased driving competency

As we get older, health issues and other factors hinder the ability to drive safely. This means that if your loved one lives alone and relies on a car to get around town, it may be time for them to move into an assisted living facility where they’ll receive more support.

Choose the Best Community for Your Loved One

The Gardens at Oasis is proud to be an independently owned and operated community with home-grown folks who care about you and getting to know you. The Gardens is a great place to retire, relax and really thrive. Give us a call today and let us show you our vibrant and caring community!

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The Gardens is a great place to set down your roots and really thrive. Give us a call today, or fill in the contact form below and let us show you our unique and caring community.

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